8 Things (unless I can’t actually think of 8)

on June 7, 2008

I was tagged like a month ago that I haven’t finished –  this one from my cute friend Holly. Holly is a fantastic writer so if you have a spare minute check out her blog. Now — back to the game of tag

8 things I am passionate about:

  1. The Gospel
  2. Working with the Young Women in the Church
  3. Excellent customer service
  4. Keeping a healthy body image
  5. Achieving my ideal weight and size
  6. Being in tune with the Spirit
  7. Really good chocolate
  8. Trying to be a blessing in the lives of others

8 past books I have read (umm, and enjoyed):

  1. Left to Tell: Discovering God Admidst the Rwandan Holocaust by Imaculee Ilibagiza
  2. Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
  3. A Heart Like His by Virginia Pearce
  4. Man’s Search for Meaning by Victor Frankl
  5. Eve and the Choice Made in Eden by Beverly Campbell
  6. The Uses of Adversity by Carlfred Broderick
  7. Fable Haven by Brandon Mull
  8. Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen

8 things I often say:

  1. “Oh stop it . . . some more”
  2. “You are the best ever!”
  3. “What in the Sam Hill . . .”
  4. “Life is what happens when you are making other plans”

8 things I look for in a friend:

  1. A listening non-judgmental ear.
  2. Someone who laughs a lot.
  3. Thinks I’m funny.
  4. Makes you feel good about yourself when you are with them.
  5. Someone who is optimistic but understands heartache and disappointment too.
  6. Someone who encourages me when I’m down and who let’s me encourage them when they are.
  7. Striving for some of the same things I am
  8. Is really rich and would love to lavish expensive gifts on their less fortunate friend (me.)

8 things I want to do before I die:

  1. Get married in the temple and have a happy covenant marriage.
  2. Go on the “sister-killing” hike again.
  3. Achieve and maintain my ideal weight and size
  4. Teach a fitness or weightloss class
  5. Be totally out of debt.
  6. Write a book

8 things I have learned this past year:

  1. That I can continue to lose weight
  2. I can still run (jog) in a race and not die
  3. That I really wasn’t a wicked child
  4. That I can go a whole month without sugar
  5. That God really is in charge – and trusting Him will bring the best results
  6. That I am dateable
  7. That God will put the people in my life I need – when I need them.
  8. No life experience is wasted.

6 responses to “8 Things (unless I can’t actually think of 8)

  1. Heather says:

    Hmm, I think I just learned a couple things about my favorite aunt. 🙂

  2. girlwhoknits says:

    You really are wonderful DeAnn. I am inspired by you.

  3. Laurel says:

    8 things I love about DeAnn
    1.) she gets my struggles
    2.) she has a better heart than me
    3.) she says nice things even when I don’t deserve them
    4.) she can wear a color hair that I wish I could pull off
    5.) she’s inspiring me to “get it done”
    6.) she has more strength than i can muster
    7.) she knows what faith REALLY is
    8.) she is ridiculously funny

  4. Hollers says:

    I can cover #1-7 on the “Friends” portion–but I stink at #8. Will you love me anyway? Cause I suretheheck adore you!

  5. Cassidi says:

    Call me when you go on the “sister-killing” hike. I am so there! And number three under the things you’ve learned this year makes me so happy I can’t stop smiling. Way to go – I know it’s taken a while. I am so blessed to call you friend.

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