Good Friends

on April 1, 2008

Somedays I am just overwhelmed by the amazing friends the Lord has put in my life. Today one of those days. An instant message or two from Holly and Laurel last week were exactly what I needed at just the right time. I also went to dinner with 3 friends from my ward on Thursday. These women are incredible. All three are married with young children. They are amazing wives and mothers. They also have a strong sense of self and they know who they are and what their missions are in life.  All have had some challenges in life (well we all have I suppose.)  But they have used them as learning experiences – even if there were tears and hot fudge to get through.
I can’t say enough about how much I admire these women.  It’s been so fun to get to know them over the years. They were all married when I met them – so it wasn’t that we were a group of single friends who just stayed friends after they married and had families. I got to know them through various church callings (although all of us never served together in the same organization at the same time) and it was so easy to be friends with them even though our lives our so different. When it comes down to it — we are more the same than we are different.

Danna, Kari, DeAnn, Becky
Danna, Kari, Me, Becky

One response to “Good Friends

  1. Larrie says:

    Friends ARE one of the best gifts a girl can have. Sure glad you’re mine!

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