Random Thoughts on a Sunday Night

on October 6, 2008
  • Elder Hollands talk on Angel interacting among us make me think of the times when I felt those I love on the other side of the veil close. I also thought about all the people who come into my life at the precise time that I need them. Truly angels sent from the Lord. But mostly what it make me think of was what I am doing to be someone else’s “angel”. Am I paying enough attention to the spirit AND to others so that I can know when they need me to be a blessing to them?
  • Loved loved loved this quote from Elder Uchtdorf’s talk  “No matter how bleak the chapter of our lives may look today, because of the life and sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we may hope for and be assured that the ending of the book of our lives will vastly exceed our grandest expectations.” This was the best talk on explaining the concept of Hope that I think I’ve ever heard. It was a wower.
  • I’ve been thinking about my lunch date yesterday. No fluttering heart. No fireworks. But I felt a great peace and very comfortable. He has a good spirit about him – where you just know that this is a good man. I think I’d like to know him more.
  • I have loved going to Golds gym. I do have a pet peeve however. It’s the trainers there. I’ve watched them and they totally target the women who are a bit overweight. They then try to tell them how much more they will achieve if they use a personal trainer. Everytime they get a new one, without fail, he targets me while I’m in the middle of my workout. I tell him I’m not interested and then have to politely justify why I’m not. BACK OFF LORETTA! Friday I even asked at the desk if they could mark my account that I’m really not interested. I’m informed the trainers are a separate company and they couldn’t do anything. I even tell the guy at the desk “I know they target overweight women.” He says “no — they are just — well yea — they do.” I chuckled.
  • Annie is on television tonight. How can you just not adore Carol Burnett in that role? “Why anyone would want to be an orphan is beyond me.”
  • I’m not fond of doing my yearly budget at work. I didn’t become an accountant like my father for a reason — I’m not a big fan of math.
  • I hope if I ever have a dark hair on my chin that I somehow miss with the tweezers that someone will tell me.
  • I really want a new purse. I don’t NEED a new purse. I need to save my money. I need to spend less. But it’s autumn. Its a new season and the feeling started a couple weeks ago – it starts in my toes and gradually climbs to my shoulder.
  • I know I could save money by not getting my nails done.
  • My friend Laurel mentioned the other day how much better she feels when she takes time to dress nicely (which she ALWAYS does.) Seriously – even her sweats look good. I think she’s right. I committed to try and keep lipstick on during the day. Just one little pretty-fyer.
  • If you throw a bottle of water in your purse and the lid isn’t on tight, and you happen to have a couple Tums floating around in the bottom of your purse — expect a gooey chalky mess.

8 responses to “Random Thoughts on a Sunday Night

  1. Vanessa says:

    Hello my lovely! LOVE the blog. I’m overwhelmed with all the great insights and great writing going on here. I subscribed to your posts and now am committed to keeping up on what’s happening.

    I also felt the spirit so strong when I heard Elder Uchtdorf’s talk. He speaks straight to my little tender heart. What a wonderful message of hope.

    If I tell you when you have a little black chin hair, will you tell me when I have one too? I’m always mortified when I see one. Like how could everyone else have missed it! I’m certain that everyone has been staring at it all week without someone telling me.

    Have a wonderful new week. Good luck with the budgets. You’re so good at everything that you set out to do! Trust me, you are!

  2. Sam says:

    Hi, I just ran across your blog and really enjoyed reading many of of your posts (quite feel good, and introspective). Keep up the great writing – I will for sure be checking up on your site again 🙂

  3. Tasha says:

    Thanks for being one of my angels.
    love Pres. Uchtdorf.
    understand about the purse.
    call if you need help with the math.
    i’ll come be your trainer so the others will leave you alone.
    i’ll bring the tweezers.
    i like to dress up to, now that the kids are big, i might just get to do it again, although i would have to reacquaint myself with lipstick.
    last but not least, hey DeAnn do not put you bottle of water in your purse without the lid on tight. it will make a big chalky mess of the tums, tweezers and lipstick and cause you to NEED a new purse.
    love you!

  4. Laurel says:

    I actually said I feel better when I SHOWER…thanks for not revealing that sometimes I don’t.

    And “Back off Loretta” is my new fave phrase.

    (btw, you ARE one of my angels. and you KNOW it)

  5. Tiffany says:

    I love you. Love your thoughts, too.

  6. Brett says:

    I love your thoughts…. especially Annie. It makes me want to stay indoors with a cup of cocoa and watch it.

  7. Heather says:

    DeAnn you’re just awesome! You just made me bust a gut at work. 🙂

  8. Kari says:

    DeAnn, I am so glad to know you! You constantly inspire me to be better!

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